Christingle Service
On Friday 6th December KS1 and EYFS children took part in a Christingle service at St Thomas’s Church led by Peter Blakemore the local minister. On Thursday afternoon all the children decorated their own oranges with sweets, raisins, red ribbon and a candle. They learnt all about Christingle and why it was celebrated. The children’s learning focused on the classic Christingle elements - the orange that signifies the world, the red ribbon that signifies God’s love, a candle representing Jesus as the light of the world and sweets to symbolise the Holy Spirit. On Friday morning all the children walked to the local church with their Christingles. They listened to a speech by the vicar and even answered some questions about what they had learnt. Both year groups sang the Christingle song beautifully and then sang a Christmas song in year groups. We ended the service with a short thank you prayer. All the children enjoyed celebrating and learning about Christingle. What an amazing day it was! |