Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information
Wincobank Nursery and Infant Academy aims to be an educationally inclusive school in which the teaching, learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of every young person matters.
The Inclusion Team has a vital role within the school. This team includes:
- SENCO - Miss Nicola Sherwood
- SEND Lead - Miss Nicola Naylor
- Thrive Lead Practitioner - Miss Charlene Stanton
- HLTAs and Teaching Assistants
Our Aims
We aim to ensure that all of our learners reach their full potential in education and personal development by receiving the highest standards of teaching and caring.
We believe that all SEND learners:
• are entitled to access a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum to meet their special educational needs
• can raise their attainment in all aspects of life and that they should be given the opportunity to fulfil their potential
• require differing levels of support and guidance to ensure that they can access learning, personal needs and a wider community successfully.
• should be given the opportunity to develop into a content, secure, well-adjusted and skilled young person to make a positive contribution to society and live as independent a life as possible.
Further details and information for parents can be found by clicking the link below:
Graduated Approach
Our support for pupils with SEND follows a graduated approach of assess, plan, do, review.
Sheffield Support Grid
We use the Sheffield Support Grid to plan provision for each pupil with SEND. The grid uses the official categories of need set out by the Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) Code of Practice: 0-25 years (2014) and illustrates the Teaching and Learning Strategies suitable for each.
It also indicates the expected support levels to be provided (0-5), the identification and assessment tools that may be in place and which other services may be able to help.
Effective support for pupils develops from parents, carers and school staff working in partnership through structured conversations, meetings, regular contact by phone and home visits. Children and their parents and carers need to be involved in planning and making decisions about their education. Regular meetings are held with parents/carers of children with SEND and Looked-After Children (with external agencies as appropriate) as well as annual reviews for pupils with SEND.
Links with outside agencies such as Learning Support, Health Visitors, Speech and Language Therapy, Hearing Service, Visual Service, MAST, CAMHS and the Educational Psychologist are strong. There is also partnership working with other schools, both mainstream and special schools.
Wincobank Nursery and Infant Academy's Inclusion Team works closely with the Trust Inclusion Team. The Team is valued by pupils, staff and parents/carers. It is a strong, reflective team which benefits from the links between schools within the Trust.
Support Offered by The Team Includes:
- In-class support from the Teaching Assistant Team
- Withdrawal support for interventions to improve speaking, reading, writing, spelling, handwriting, thinking and memory skills, maths or to address physical or medical needs.
- Support for children/young people experiencing emotional, social, and behavioural or health difficulties.
- Lunchtime provision and support
- Support for staff on behaviour management, including individual advice, group discussion and Inset, working alongside the school's on-call system
- Support for individuals either 1:1 or in small groups, often using solution-focused approaches and working to maximise the potential of each child/ young person and break down barriers to their learning
- Early identification of children/young people requiring additional support from agencies outside school, working alongside parents/ carers using the CAF process
- Work with outside agencies for advice and to organise further support
- Regular meetings with Health Visitors and Nurse
- Supporting and liaising with Social Workers around Personal Education Plans
- Development of strategies to improve attendance including a reward system for good attendance
Admission Arrangements for SEND Children
Children who have additional or special needs are taken through a comprehensive induction process to ensure they quickly settle into school and staff are fully aware of the individual needs.
For further information, please refer to our SEND Policy and Accessibility Plan on the Policies Page or contact school and ask to speak Miss Naylor.
Sheffield Local Offer: Local Offer | Sheffield (sheffielddirectory.org.uk)
Further advice and support for parents: https://www.sheffieldsendias.org.uk
Wincobank Nursery and Infant Academy SEND Policy