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Wincobank Nursery & Infant School

The Academy Day

The school day begins at 8:00am for pupils wishing to join our Breakfast Club provision.

FS2 and KS1 - Registration is 8.25am.  Gates open 8.20am

Ducklings 1 - Morning session starts 8.25am

Ducklings 2 - Morning session starts 8.25am

KS1 - Owl, Flamingo and Merlin Classes

Each morning session consists of morning work and registration, then a Maths, Phonics, Writing and Reading Lesson with a break of 15 minutes.


Pupils have a 45 minutes break for lunch, which includes time for physical activity on one of our 4 school play areas. Indoor provision is also available for those pupils who would benefit from it.

Afternoon sessions begin with registration and end with a story. During the afternoon lessons cover our ambitious bespoke wider curriculum. Geography, History, Science, Religious Education. Information and Communication Technology, Art, Design Technology Relationship, Sex and Health Education, Personal and Social Development and Physical Education. 

FS2 - School finishes at 3.00pm

KS1 - School finishes at 3.05pm

Reception Classes - Parrot & Puffin Classes

The day begins with registration and a morning meeting on the carpet. During the morning children are taught maths, writing and phonics, they have opportunities to work with an adult and independently. They also enjoy free and directed outdoor learning, including physical development.     


The afternoon is focused around creative learning and knowledge and understanding of the world. Children work with staff and learn independently through our fantastic provision, supported by skilled adults. 

Reception children have a 45 minute lunch break and enjoy physical play in their designated playground. 

Year Group Registration/Start Time Finish Time
KS1 8.25am 3.05pm
FS2 8.25am 3.00pm

Total number of compulsory hours open per week = 33.35

Nursery Classes - Ducklings 1 & 2

Each session begins with a short group time, then children are supported to learn through their play both indoors and out. Staff take small groups, pairs or individual children for focused adult led learning each session ends with a further group time of singing and stories.


Ducklings 1 for 2 and 3yr old children 

8.25am-11.25am session/12.00-3.00pm session

Ducklings 2 for 3 and 4yr old children

8.25am-11.25am session/ 12.00pm-3.00pm session
Full day places are also available.