Year 2 to Year 3 Transition
Year 2 to Year 3 Transition
The transition from infant to junior school can seem very daunting for some children. A new site, new teachers, and often new friends can make for an major life experience. However, the unique advantage of a separate Infant and Junior academy is the later transition to secondary is not half as daunting as the children who have experienced school transition before.
The majority of our pupils move onto Concord Junior Academy. Throughout the year, we work closely with the junior school to run a series of exciting transition events for pupils and information opportunities for parents. These events allow children and their parents to get to know their new environment and the staff.
- Open days and parents information evenings
- Picnic and sports day on the school field
- Theatre performance in the school hall
- Assemblies in the school hall
- Teacher ‘swap shop’ – Y3 staff go to Wincobank and teach their new Y2 classes in a familiar environment and read ‘social stories’ to help prepare the children for change
- Question and answer session with current Y3 children for Y2 children to ask questions
- Transition days at Concord with new teachers in July
Concord and Wincobank work together under the leadership of Miss Howes and Miss Sherwood to create a seamless learning journey for our children and are all on hand to help the new Y3 children settle in.
In School Transition
During the Summer Term, we hold transition opportunities such as stories, theme lessons, classroom visits etc and information sessions for current pupils and their parents to get to know their new teachers.
One of the real advantages of a small school is that the teachers and children usually know each other before transition having met on the playground, in assembly, the dining hall and generally around school.